The Lyre Association of Japan





泉本 信子 吉良 創


The Lyre Association of Japan Mission Statement

 The Lyre Association of Japan is a community where people are given the opportunity to celebrate the lyre, share the experience and the philosophy of the lyre and develop the skills and techniques to play the lyre.
 We inquire about the specific sounds that the lyre can convey, with the people who benefit from the sound of lyre both as a player and as an audience.
 The Lyre Association of Japan is also a place for musicians to share and deepen their learning.
 The Lyre Association of Japan communicates with lyricists and lyre associations around the world to form a new culture that is fostered by the sounds of the lyre.
 It supports the development and growth of the lyre, a very new musical instrument for the modern world that has its origin in 20th century.
 We were established in January 2004, and welcome new applications for membership.

The Heads of the Board
Nobuko Izumoto, Hajime Kira

代表 泉本 信子 吉良 創 

相川 容子 小野 純子 
小林 初予 芝山 恭子 
杉本 照代 野澤 幸代  
水野 珠実 八幡 理恵子

  • ライアー響会の運営、総会の計画、準備を担当
  • 会員のための講座等、企画運営
  • ライアー響会主催の各種講座等の企画運営
  • ライアー国際会議の連絡組織としての活動
  • 会報【ニュース】の発行
  • ライアーを弾いている人、これから弾こうとしている人
  • ライアーを教えている人、これから教えようとしている人